The solution to Mary getting in trouble in the nursery rhyme, “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, is obvious and apparent; just don’t take that little lamb to school! Sometimes problems in business seem as obvious and they are easy to fix. Other times, not so much. A manufacturing client of ours had an issue meeting commitment deadlines and getting their product shipped. With 3coast’s help, our client in the below, rewritten nursery rhyme was able to pinpoint the areas in the process that were causing the issue and utilize the custom app that we wrote for them to monitor production daily and meet their commitments.
Just as Mary got in trouble for taking her lamb to school in the nursery rhyme, “Mary Had a Little Lamb”, our client kept getting complaints from their customers because their shipments were not arriving on time. They turned to 3coast to help them understand why they were missing their commitments and why their shipments were not meeting their schedule.
3coast was glad to provide the solution to their problem. 3coast developed a customized application for that examines each completed work order, analyzes promise verses completion dates, reviews the logic of how the product moves through the environment, and then determines why the commit date was not met. With our help, the client is able to identify WHY their business isn’t running smoothly and can take immediate action to correct it.
Mary Had a Custom App…
Shipment date, shipment date,
Client had a shipment date,
They often couldn’t meet.
And every time they missed a date,
Missed a date, missed a date,
And every time they missed a date,
They had to face the heat.
They needed help from 3coast,
3coast, 3coast,
They needed help from 3coast,
To get them back on time.
We made an app to show the way,
Show the way, show the way,
We made an app to show the way,
Their goods moved through the line.
And so they saw where they went wrong,
They went wrong, they went wrong,
And so they saw where they went wrong,
With timing on the floor.
Production now moves right along,
Right along, right along,
Production now moves right along,
And makes it out the door.
“Can a custom app help me too?”
Help me too? Help me too?
“Can a custom app help me too,”
Smart businesses do cry.
“Yes, they can help business improve.”
Business improve, business improve,
“Yes, they can help business improve,”
Is 3coast’s reply.