Purchasing Technology (Audio)

Episode #8 – Jason Kuhn, CIO of 3coast, explains possible difficulties in purchasing technology and what companies can do to avoid these problems and get the most out of their new technology. [ca_audio url_mp3="//www.3coast.com/audio/technology_purchasing_10_23_09.mp3" url_ogg="//www.3coast.com/audio/technology_purchasing_10_23_09.mp3" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]

Business Continuity vs. Disaster Recovery (Audio)

Episode #7 – Jeremy Ross, Services Manager at 3coast, compares business continuity to disaster recovery and emphasizes the importance of paying close attention to both. He also explains why companies should prepare now for the upcoming hurricane season. [ca_audio url_mp3="//www.3coast.com/audio/Biz_Cont.mp3" url_ogg="//www.3coast.com/audio/Biz_Cont.mp3" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]

Referrals Result from Relationships (Audio)

Episode #6 – Stephen Sweeney, COO at 3coast, discusses how referrals are the most effective way to find potential clients and build new business relationships. [ca_audio url_mp3="//www.3coast.com/audio/Referalls_2_17_2010.mp3" url_ogg="//www.3coast.com/audio/Referalls_2_17_2010.mp3" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]

Finding Potential Clients Through Existing Clients (Audio)

Episode #5 - Stephen Sweeney, COO at 3coast, explains ways to obtain new leads through client referrals and networking approaches. Never underestimate the value of happy clients. [ca_audio url_mp3="//www.3coast.com/audio/Asking_for_referalls_2-10-2010.mp3" url_ogg="//www.3coast.com/audio/Asking_for_referalls_2-10-2010.mp3" css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player" autoplay="false" download="false" html5="false"]