Why Scrum?

First of all, if you haven’t heard of SCRUM, it’s not soap residue.  It’s an agile process for developing software.  It’s totally different than the traditional waterfall development where all the business analysis is gathered up front, the prototypes are designed and the product is built to specifications that hopefully ...

Benefits of Document Management

Look familiar? It’s too bad there isn’t an electronic way to organize and manage your significant documents. Oh Wait!....There Is! Customized document management systems add value to your business by cutting costs, improving office efficiency and increasing overall productivity. Beyond that, the installation of a separate full blown stand-alone document management ...

Story Mapping

Here’s a great technique that helps in determining project feature priority.  Agile/Scrum manifesto is based on the premise of working on the high value items first.  These may be the features that bring the highest ROI, a matrix of complexity / risk vs. value, market value, etc.   Whatever the determining ...

Information on Virtualization!

Since I am not proficient in all technology trends, the rising popularity of virtualization was not something I could quickly wrap my head around. When I hear the word "virtualization" I think of "virtual reality" games and training. Wikipedia's definition of "virtual reality" is: "a term that applies to computer-simulated environments ...

The Father of Computers

When talking “technology” among you colleagues and friends, who comes to mind as the man that started it all?  Would it be Bill Gates? Steve Jobs? Or maybe in your circle of friends it’s all about Linus Torvalds?  Well, in honor of Father’s Day, let’s think back even farther.  Back ...

Hiring is a Hassle!

Vice Presidents and HR directors of the one hundred largest corporations were asked to describe their most unusual experience interviewing prospective employees: Candidate announced she hadn't had lunch and proceeded to eat a hamburger and french fries in the interviewers office. A job applicant challenged the interviewer to an arm wrestle. Interviewee wore ...